Bridge the Gap Between Engineering and Procurement: Altium 365 BOM Portal

Lena Weglarz
|  Created: December 1, 2023  |  Updated: July 2, 2024

Watch our webinar and learn how to make informed parts decisions and mitigate supply chain risks with Altium 365 BOM Portal!

Discover why early procurement involvement in the engineering process is crucial for avoiding costly design changes later on and get a firsthand look at how this tool can help you improve your time to market and manage supply chain risks.

In this session, learn how to:

  • Use enriched part and supply chain insights to accelerate time to market without sacrificing quality and performance
  • Access dependable and thorough part data sourced from industry leaders
  • Stay ahead of potential disruptions with supply chain tracking
  • Manage and control your BOMs, keeping them organized, safely collaborating with stakeholders, and tracking revisions
  • Enhance part management with reusability and traceability features
  • Foster efficient BOM synchronization with a centralized component library
  • Ensure alignment between designers and procurement teams, avoiding back-and-forth iterations
  • Utilize the Used Parts Report for manufacturability analysis on production boards

About Author

About Author

Lena Węglarz is a dynamic and engaging content creator and storyteller, known for her  commitment to clarity and the 'write-like-you-talk' rule. She joined Altium in 2023, and since then she’s been the driving force behind Altium 365 content, letting the community know where the  world designs electronics. Her work stands out for its ability to make complex technical concepts accessible and relatable. Collaborating closely with engineers, Lena integrates their insights and perspectives into the narratives, bridging the gap between engineers' technical expertise and  the broader community. She fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricacies  of electronic design.

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