Digi-Key Products now Listed on Octopart

Created: October 27, 2017
Updated: July 1, 2024

Back when I was building high speed amplifier circuits in grad school, Digi-Key's catalog was a familiar companion on my workbench. After burning out my last LMH6702 op-amp, I would put in an overnight order to Digi-Key and I'd be back to soldering by the next morning.

This history makes me especially happy to announce that we've reached an agreement with Digi-Key to display their parts on Octopart. Starting today, someone searching for that LMH6702 will have the option of clicking through to Digi-Key!

It's clear that many of you rely on Digi-Key on a day-to-day basis. We receive more requests to list Digi-Key than any other distributor. So now when you burn out that last chip and you come to Octopart looking for a replacement, Digi-Key's vast inventory and fast shipping will be there to save the day.

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