Challenges in the Design of Lab-on-PCB Platforms

Despina Moschou
|  Created: January 31, 2019  |  Updated: March 16, 2020

Lab-on-Chip technology aspires to shrink biomedical laboratories in few cm microchips, in a technological revolution step analogous to the introduction of computer technology in the 20th century. In this presentation Dr. Moschou provides an overview of this technology and its impact on healthcare. She focuses on manufacturing techniques for integrated Lab-on-Chip biomedical diagnostic chips and in particular the Lab-on-PCB technology that has been the forefront of her work for the past 8 years. The current challenges in designing such devices with Altium Designer will be presented, along with strategies to overcome them and future development steps.

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About Author

About Author

Dr. Despina Moschou (MEng, PhD) is a Lecturer and 50th anniversary Prize Fellow in Bioelectronics, within the Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices (C3Bio), Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering at the University of Bath. Since 2010, her main research focus has been to apply her microfabrication and microelectronic device expertise in the development of disposable Lab-On-a-Chip systems for bioanalytical applications (molecular and immunoassay-based Point-of-Care diagnostic devices). For the past 8 years she has been pursuing the Lab-on-Printed Circuit Board approach, in an effort to realize disposable, mass-manufacturable Lab-on-Chip microsystems, engaging with stakeholders across all related disciplines (clinical scientists, microbiologists, chemists, manufacturers, engineers, diagnostic industries).

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