Digitally Transforming Electronics Design

Created: June 23, 2023
Updated: July 1, 2024

PLM system methodologies have traditionally lacked a direct integration with ECAD design system data. As a result, the only way for ECAD organizations to manage the entire product data structure was to manually enter their data into their PLM system, leading to increased time, potential data inconsistency, and risk of human error. Altium enterprise solutions address this by providing an automated connection between your Altium ECAD data and your PLM system, eliminating manual efforts and ensuring all data is verified prior to release.

Altium Enterprise Server-to-PLM Integration makes it easy to create a new project and PLM data structure, automatically synchronize ECAD component and PLM part data and publish your source, fabrication, and assembly data to PLM. This data management automation saves you time, assures data consistency, and eliminates errors compared with manual PLM data entry methods.

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