Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Measuring Distances on a PCB and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Working with Grids & Guides and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Interactive Multi-Routing and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Quick Routing Tools and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Modifying Existing Routes and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Updating Footprints from Libraries and related features.
This page presents key features and enhancements that will become available in the next update to Altium Designer, but which are currently still in beta. Also included are features that are in Closed Beta - strictly only available to the beta user group
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for System Design Updates and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Working with Connections and related features.
Explore Altium Designer 24 technical documentation for Object & Layer Transparency and related features.
One interface. One data model. Endless possibilities.
Effortlessly collaborate with mechanical designers.
The world's most trusted PCB design platform
Best in class interactive routing
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The world’s most trusted PCB design system.