Multichannel Design in Altium Designer

Rainer Beerhalter
|  Created: January 31, 2019  |  Updated: March 16, 2020

Do you need eight identical A/D converters on one PCB? Or do you have several similar DDR3 memory banks on your FPGA design? Save time and minimize design risk using "multichannel" design features inside Altium Designer.

This session will be a live, hands-on demonstration using Altium Designer, showing concepts and implementation of simple multichannel designs on schematic and PCB levels, then advancing to more complex approaches. We will conclude with a 16-channel LED display tile, having approximately 5000 components. You will learn how to set up different instances of your channels with different parameters and behavior, maximizing flexibility and empowering the tool to handle the slight difference between variation and copy and paste.


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About Author

About Author

Rainer Beerhalter is a freelance senior design engineer who has been in PCB design since 1994. Owning a Germany based company, "b gmbh medien und datenbanken", his team created many designs and products in medical, IT, automotive and scientific applications. For many years he has been active in LED display design, improving the performance and EMC of LED large format displays. Currently, he is contracted by a large Japanese company which is developing a new groundbreaking approach in digital cinema technology.

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