Power Delivery Analysis in Battery Powered Wireless Products

Richard Marshall
|  Created: February 4, 2019  |  Updated: March 16, 2020

Battery powered wireless devices can present a number of design challenges, especially the combination of being space constrained along with having dynamic current requirements both during RF transmission and charging, in which minimizing IR drops within the PCB layout to achieve maximum efficiency is critical. Whilst careful design can be used to mitigate potential IR drop issues, the use of Power Delivery Analysis in the layout gives much greater insights into validating that the PCB layout meets the product design requirements. In this presentation Richard will go through some use cases of where PDN within Altium Designer can be used to ensure that the product PCB layout has been optimized for maximum efficiency and potentially avoid PCB re-spins as a result of unforeseen layout issues.

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About Author

About Author

Richard is CEO at Xitex Limited, which provides consultancy on defining and launching wired and wireless connected products, with emphasis on creating secure IoT products and their associated supply chains. He has spent over 30 years in the electronics and communications sectors, having worked for Lucent Technologies, Sony, Cisco and also being a founding hardware lead team member at startups Ubiquisys and nSine. At Ubiquisys and subsequently Cisco, after its acquisition of Ubiquisys in 2013 for $310M, Richard was the Product Manager for their global cloud-based activation system for 3G/4G Small Cells. This role being the security advocate, technology champion and secure manufacturing supply chain architect for Small Cells manufactured in Europe and SE Asia.

Richard has held a variety of senior lead engineering roles in the wireless and consumer electronics sectors, with a focus on wireless platforms. In the last 25 years he has been involved in a variety of wireless implementations for a range of applications including custom CDMA wireless, 3G/4G and other low power radio technologies, most recently in low power battery devices. Aside from design of products Richard has been deeply involved with new product introductions in the UK, USA, Europe and SE Asia, always with a focus of ‘on line, on time’.

As Chair of the Internet of Things Security Foundation Plenary Group, Richard leads the implementation of the IoTSF’s strategy. The Foundation’s objective is to drive the pervasiveness of IoT security, improving its fitness and end-to-end quality.

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