Product Overview: Altium Concord Pro

Created: February 25, 2020
Updated: March 19, 2020

There are many risks if your library and component data are not managed efficiently and effectively. Inefficiency occurs when multiple users define and create components in their own way or style often leading to redundant component definitions being used across multiple libraries. You can end up with inaccurate and incomplete component data and a lack of visibility into component status without a standardized parameter list or naming convention for all components.

Altium Concord Pro is a complete system for component management that integrates into your workflow to minimize those risks and manual efforts.
Watch this recording to explore the following topics:
Product Development Overview and Insights
Dedicated Access to a Single Source of Truth for all Component Data
Make Informed Component Usage Decisions
Standardized Component Categories and Parameters
External and Internal Statues
Bi-directional Design Data Exchange with MCAD Environments

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