Altium Experts

Altium's resource library is a collection of content from our industries most forward thinking contributors. You can browse the list below to discover some of our more popular authors.

Lee Ritchey

Lee Ritchey is considered to be one of the industry’s premier authorities on high-speed PCB and system design. He is the founder and president of Speeding Edge, an engineering consulting and training company. He conducts on-site private training courses for high technology companies and also teaches courses through Speeding Edge and its partner

Chad Jackson

Chad Jackson is an analyst, researcher and blogger providing insights on technologies used to enable engineers. He has surveyed thousands of engineering organizations.

Sam Sattel

Sam currently serves as the Director of Technical Marketing at Altium and has grown throughout the company in a variety of positions over the past 15 years. He started his journey in engineering at Sony as a Mechanical Engineer, and has held positions in board design, sales, and product management at various organizations.

Derek Jackson

Derek brings electronic experience with over 20 years as a support EDA specialist. After earning a Certified Electronics Technician certificate, he continued on to earn a Bachelor of Engineering degree from California State Fullerton focusing in computer architecture and design. Initially supporting embedded development platforms, he began

Jack Olson

Jack Olson has been designing circuit boards for over thirty years. He has CID,CID+ certification from the IPC, has served in several IPC Standards Development Committees, and has been awarded three Distinguished Service Awards for his participation. He enjoys all aspects of circuit board development, feels grateful that he is able to solve puzzles

Adam J. Fleischer

Adam Fleischer is a principal at, a technology marketing consultancy that works with technology leaders – like Microsoft, SAP, IBM, and Arrow Electronics – as well as with small high-growth companies. Adam has been a tech geek since programming a lunar landing game on a DEC mainframe as a kid. Adam founded and for a decade acted as CEO

Charley Yap

Charley currently serves as a Field Application Engineer at Altium and is responsible for providing technical assistance to Corporate Strategic Account Managers, Sales Managers, Resellers, and Application Engineers. He is also in charge on establishing and managing technical relationships with clients, partners and industry leader. Charley

Oliver J. Freeman, FRSA

Oliver J. Freeman, FRSA, former Editor-in-Chief of Supply Chain Digital magazine, is an author and editor who contributes content to leading publications and elite universities—including the University of Oxford and Massachusetts Institute of Technology—and ghostwrites thought leadership for well-known industry leaders in the supply chain space

Steve Tran

Steve currently serves as an Application Engineer for Altium and is responsible for post sales support, customer training, and technical writing. He holds a B.S. in Engineering with an emphasis in Computer Engineering from Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Dugan Karnazes

Dugan Karnazes is the owner of Velocity Research, and an experienced electrical engineer with a background in electronics and engineering physics. Since 2013, Dugan has been focusing his attention on the PCB design process and working on research and development teams with companies in West Michigan to build better products incorporating advanced

Dennis Reed

Dennis Reed is a Senior Research Analyst in Technology. Dennis started in the industry in 2005 at FTN Midwest Research on the technology & semiconductor team. In 2006, he was a founding member of Cleveland Research Company and continued to develop and extensive network of technology industry professionals in the semiconductor, distribution, memory

Michael Doyon

Michael currently serves as a Field Application Engineer at Altium and is responsible for providing technical assistance to Corporate Strategic Account Managers, Sales Managers, Resellers, and Application Engineers. He graduated from University of Hartford with a BSEE and has spent six years as an Electronics Technician in US Navy. Michael has also

Phil Salmony

Phil Salmony is a professional hardware design engineer and educational engineering content creator. After graduating from the University of Cambridge with a master's degree in electrical and control systems engineering, he began his engineering career at a large German aerospace company. Later on, he co-founded a drone startup in Denmark, where he

Laura V. Garcia

Laura V. Garcia is a freelance supply chain and procurement writer and a one-time Editor-in-Chief of Procurement magazine.A former Procurement Manager with over 20 years of industry experience, Laura understands well the realities, nuances and complexities behind meeting the five R’s of procurement and likes to focus on the "how," writing about

Pierre Meyitang

Pierre is the current Sales Applications Engineer for Altium’s North America region. He worked in Mechatronics Design and Fabrication at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Bioinspired Robotics as an Electro-Mechanical Engineer. Pierre recently joined Altium’s engineering team, and continues his hobbies in design and fabrication of miniature PCBs, CNC

Dave Young

Dave Young is an electronics engineer who loves working on hard problems. With a strong background in measurement technology, Dave has a particular affinity for analog design, verification, and design for manufacturing to ensure devices always meet specs. His consultancy, Young Circuit Designs, is tuned to help startups and small businesses create

Gerald Weis

Gerald Weis works as a Hardware Development Engineer for AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, a leading global manufacturer of printed circuit boards. His area of ​​activity includes the creation of circuit diagrams and PCB designs and the optimization of designs through electrical and thermal simulation. His focus is on