The Evolution and Impact of Electronic Components—an All-important Asset

Oliver J. Freeman, FRSA
|  Created: July 18, 2023  |  Updated: May 29, 2024
a board with various electronic components

“All-important asset” is a term that, perhaps, underestimates the gravity of electronic components in contemporary society; electronics have become to modern humans what fire was to our early hominid predecessors—an absolutely essential part of everyday life. Our dwellings, medical systems, means of travel, and methods of communication are dependent—almost entirely—on the power that electricity and, indeed, electronic components provide. 

So, what is an electronic component? To put it simply, it is a fundamental discrete device or physical entity within an electronic system that is employed to manipulate electronics or their corresponding fields. 

Electronic components, the silent orchestrators of our technological symphony, have been crucial in ushering in an era of unprecedented advancement. From the simple beginnings of vacuum tubes to the complex circuitry in smartphones today, the role and regularity of electronic components have significantly evolved. This journey, apart from charting the trajectory of human innovation, also provides fascinating insights into our dependence on technology and its broader implications on our lives, businesses, and economies.

The Dawn of the Electronic Era ─ A Tricentennial Timeline

The genesis of electronic components can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th century, marked by groundbreaking inventions such as the vacuum tube and the transistor. These components, though archaic by today's standards, transformed technology by making it possible to amplify and switch electronic signals, thereby laying the groundwork for modern electronics.

Take a look at the following milestones in the development of electronic components that have been instrumental in shaping the technological landscape we inhabit today.

Late 19th to Early 20th Century

  • 1883: Thomas Edison discovered the "Edison Effect," the principle on which vacuum tubes operate.
  • 1904: John Ambrose Fleming invented the first practical vacuum tube, the "Fleming Valve," used as a radio wave detector.
  • 1906: Lee de Forest introduced the first triode vacuum tube, or "Audion," a key component in amplifying signals.

In the early 20th century, the aforementioned vacuum tube was the cornerstone of electronics, finding applications in radio, television, telephone networks, and the earliest computers. In those days, the average person might have encountered this technology in their daily life through their radio or telephone—a far cry from the ubiquitous interaction we experience with electronic components today.

Interaction Examples:

  • Personal: People began to use telephones and radios in their homes, both of which used vacuum tubes.
  • Business: Telegraph systems, powered by vacuum tube technology, became a primary method for rapid long-distance communication.

Mid 20th Century

  • 1947: Bell Laboratories invented the transistor, revolutionizing the electronics industry by making devices smaller, cheaper, and less power-hungry.
  • 1958: Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments and Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor independently developed the integrated circuit (IC), combining multiple electronic components onto a single silicon chip—with the latter receiving the first official patent on April 25th, 1961.

The invention of the transistor by Bell Laboratories in 1947 marked the dawn of a new era. These tiny devices, which were far smaller and more reliable than vacuum tubes, set the stage for the advent of portable electronics. Suddenly, we were catapulted into a digital age, where technology became a part of everyday life, not just a luxury for the affluent or the domain of business. Transistor radios, for instance, were commonplace, bridging distances with the sound of music and news.

The advent of the integrated circuit (IC)—a semiconductor wafer that allows for the fabrication of and plays host to thousands or even millions of tiny capacitors, resistors, diodes, and transistors—in the 1960s, a product of human ingenuity represented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce, propelled electronic components into virtually every aspect of life. Semiconductors offered superior performance, greater reliability, and significantly reduced power consumption, leading to a profound shift in how technology was designed and used—a revolutionary moment in the advancement of tech. 

This innovation laid the foundations for a future explosion of personal electronic devices, starting with calculators and watches in the 1970s and evolving to personal computers and cell phones, later, in the 1980s and 1990s. Ultimately, the creation of the integrated circuit and semiconductor may have proven to be the most pivotal development in recent history, spawning entire industries around the production, distribution, and servicing of electronics, fueling economic growth and job creation.

Interaction Examples:

  • Personal: The average person's interaction with electronic components in this era was limited, mostly experienced indirectly through radios and televisions or in professional settings such as telecommunications and computing.
  • Business: Businesses started to use mainframe computers for various purposes, including data storage and process automation. These machines initially used vacuum tubes and, later, transistors.

Late 20th Century

  • 1971: Intel introduced the first commercially available microprocessor, the Intel 4004, opening the way for the development of personal computers.
  • 1980s: Surface-mount technology became prevalent, enabling further miniaturization and increased automation in the production of electronic devices.

In the 1970s, the birth of the microprocessor, essentially a computer on a chip, revolutionized personal computing. This development democratized access to technology, allowing everyday people to tap into the world of computers. Consequently, it gave rise to an array of industries—software development, computer services, and e-commerce, to name a few—further expanding the economic footprint of electronics.

During this era, the frequency of an average person's interaction with electronic components skyrocketed. The ubiquity of consumer electronics made it nearly impossible to go through a day without encountering multiple devices housing a myriad of electronic components.

Interaction Examples:

  • Personal: The advent of personal computers and portable devices such as the Walkman drastically changed how individuals consumed media and accessed information.
  • Business: The IC and microprocessor revolutionized the business world. Companies started using computers for tasks such as word processing, accounting, and inventory management. The use of electronic mail and database management systems became widespread.

electronic components

21st Century

  • Early 2000s: Advances in technology led to the widespread adoption of smartphones, tablets, and wearable tech, with powerful microprocessors and numerous electronic components packed into small devices.
  • Present Day: Research and development in quantum computing promise a new generation of ultra-powerful computers, marking the next significant evolution in electronic components.

The present day sees individuals continually interacting with electronic components, from the smartphones in our pockets to the wearable technology on our wrists; they have become an integral part of our everyday lives. In fact, according to dscout’s 2021 report, the average person interacts with electronic devices over 2,617 times a day—you could almost say that our lives revolve around or increasingly rely on technology. 

On the production side, surface-mount technology has further miniaturized components, enhancing device functionality and automation; this development and consequent mass production of technology has created a data-driven economy where information is as valuable as physical goods. The rapid advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), in particular, has exponentially increased the integration of electronic components—and data-generating devices—into our daily lives. Even items that were once considered mundane, such as refrigerators, doorbells, and thermostats, now contain complex electronic components that enable connectivity, smart functionality, and data collation.

As we stand on the brink of the quantum computing age, the relationship between electronic components and society is set to evolve once more. Quantum bits or qubits may solve problems that are currently beyond our reach, expanding the boundaries of material science, artificial intelligence, and cryptography. This advancement promises to unlock new sectors of the economy and redefine existing ones, further underscoring the integral role of electronic components in economic development.

Interaction Examples:

  • Personal: Almost everyone now owns a smartphone, a device with numerous electronic components that allows for calling, texting, internet browsing, and the use of various applications. Other common devices include laptops, smart TVs, and wearable technology like smartwatches and fitness trackers.
  • Business: Businesses have become largely dependent on advanced electronic devices and systems. Computers and servers power everything from communication and project management tools to complex data analysis software. Many companies also use IoT devices for various applications, from inventory management to building security.

Implications for Businesses and Economies

As electronic components continue to pop up all around us in daily life, it presents considerable opportunities for tech companies, manufacturers, and economies. Electronics manufacturing is set to become a multi-trillion-dollar industry by 2030, which already contributes significantly to global GDP and employment. The value chain, extending from component manufacturers to device assemblers to software developers, has created diverse economic opportunities.

Companies, in their quest for differentiation and innovation, are investing heavily in research and development, fueling technological progress and creating cutting-edge applications for electronic components. Even industries once considered unrelated to technology, such as agriculture and healthcare, are now leveraging electronic components to enhance efficiency, productivity, and outcomes.

Concurrently, economies have, especially in recent decades, become increasingly digitized. Electronic components and the devices that they power have facilitated the growth of digital economies, enabling online transactions, digital services, and even digital currencies. While this digitization brings a whole host of benefits, it also necessitates investment in digital infrastructure and cybersecurity, underscoring the multi-faceted impact of electronic components on economies.

Looking to the Future

Today, electronic components form the backbone of our technologically driven world. From the humble resistor to the microprocessor, these constituents of modern devices have revolutionized human lives. 

In retrospect, the evolution of electronic components tells a story of intertwined technological and societal progression. It is a testament to our species' unyielding drive to innovate and adapt. What was once a simple tool to manipulate electrical signals has transformed into an integral part of our lives, driving economic growth and societal advancement.

Looking forward, the rapid evolution of electronic components promises continued technological leaps. As components shrink, becoming ever more efficient and powerful, we can expect an even greater intertwining of human life and technology. We will see the rise of new industries and the transformation of existing ones, further emphasizing the importance of electronic components in the unfolding narrative of human progress.

About Author

About Author

Oliver J. Freeman, FRSA, former Editor-in-Chief of Supply Chain Digital magazine, is an author and editor who contributes content to leading publications and elite universities—including the University of Oxford and Massachusetts Institute of Technology—and ghostwrites thought leadership for well-known industry leaders in the supply chain space. Oliver focuses primarily on the intersection between supply chain management, sustainable norms and values, technological enhancement, and the evolution of Industry 4.0 and its impact on globally interconnected value chains, with a particular interest in the implication of technology supply shortages.

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