The Impacts and Demands of New Technologies on the Electronic Component Industry

Oliver J. Freeman, FRSA
|  Created: July 18, 2023  |  Updated: May 29, 2024
Futuristic Globe

As the world continues to evolve into a global, interconnected ecosystem powered by various technologies, the electronic component industry finds itself in a state of rapid transformation. The shift towards high-speed connectivity, energy efficiency, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and autonomous technology is creating a demand for advanced parts. Groundbreaking advancements are revolutionizing how we live and work and significantly influencing the electronic component sector—sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.  

Positive Impacts on the Electronic Component Industry

Just as the brilliance of dawn follows the night's darkness, the wave of technological advancements is casting a promising light on the electronic component industry. It's instigating an epoch of innovation and performance, though not without its own set of complexities and conundrums.

Enhanced Performance and Efficiency

New technologies are driving the creation of electronic components that offer better performance, durability, and energy efficiency. For instance, innovations like GaN (Gallium Nitride) and SiC (Silicon Carbide) semiconductors have shown tremendous promise in power electronics, offering better energy efficiency than traditional silicon-based counterparts. They contribute to significant energy savings, essential for devices from electric vehicles to data centers.

Greater Market Opportunities

The increasing demand for emerging tech like AI, 5G, and IoT has triggered a spike in demand for electronic components. The proliferation of smart devices is driving the need for advanced processors, sensors, memory devices, and power management components. Notably, the roll-out of 5G has stimulated demand for RF (Radio Frequency) components, enhancing connectivity speeds and paving the way for developments in areas like autonomous driving and smart cities.

An additional benefit for manufacturers is the differing styles of and applications for new components; there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for new technologies. In fact, the different demands of consumer electronics and industrial applications can be vast. Consumer electronics typically demand smaller, more efficient, and cheaper components, while industrial applications often require more robust, long-lasting, and high-performance components, opening up two separate markets for innovation and, ultimately, monopolization.

Innovation and Diversification

The electronic component industry is compelled to innovate, diversify, and improve quality to meet the requirements of new technologies. For example, AI and machine learning algorithms demand powerful processors that can handle large volumes of data with speed and accuracy. This has led to the development of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), graphic processing units (GPUs), and tensor processing units (TPUs), which are revolutionizing AI applications.

Growing Industry Collaboration

The complex needs of emerging technologies often exceed the capabilities of a single firm, encouraging companies to collaborate and share expertise. This increased collaboration can—and often does—lead to better standards, improved product interoperability, and a more robust supply chain.

people workin at a computer

Negative Impacts on the Electronic Component Industry

Just as the progress of a steam engine, however powerful, is invariably accompanied by the smoke it bellows, the rapid growth and advancement of technology brings with it a slew of complications. The electronic component industry finds itself navigating a maze of challenges, each a byproduct of this relentless march of technological evolution.

Supply Chain Complexities

The surge in demand for advanced electronic components has strained global supply chains. This issue is particularly evident in the ongoing semiconductor shortage triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic when manufacturers couldn't meet the high demand for electronic components, leading to production halts in various sectors. Unfortunately, the intricacies of producing advanced components, coupled with geopolitical tensions and the incessant nature of consumerism—the ongoing hunger for new, better tech each year—have further complicated supply chain dynamics. 

A particularly prevalent issue within the supply chain—at the time of writing—is the procurement of rare earth metals and other critical materials that electronic component production relies on. Access to neon, nickel, palladium, and vanadium, for example, is limited due to the ongoing Eastern European conflict between Russia and Ukraine. 

Examples illustrating the significance of the listed elements, partially provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development:

  • The manufacture of lasers utilized in semiconductor creation, crucial for the production of electronics such as smartphones, vehicles, and computers, heavily depends on neon.
  • Nickel finds wide-ranging applications in several areas, such as stainless steel, magnets, construction alloys, transportation, medical appliances, electronic gadgets, and power production. It plays an integral part in the making of cathode materials for electric vehicle batteries.
  • Palladium is integral in various sectors like jewelry, dentistry, and capacitors for energy storage. Of special note is its role in catalytic converters, where it aids in emission reduction.
  • Vanadium enhances the durability and resistance to corrosion of steel alloys, which are used in the production of space vehicles, nuclear reactors, and airplanes. It is a key element in vanadium redox flow batteries for renewable energy storage and is being eyed for potential use in electric vehicle batteries.

The given list of resources is just one of many examples that demonstrates the significant risk to industry that geopolitically sensitivity presents. To mitigate these supply chain challenges and ensure a consistent product flow, manufacturers need to invest heavily in robust supply chain management and diversification strategies.  

Increased Investment

The shift toward advanced components requires substantial capital investment for research and development (R&D), production line upgrades, and employee training. Automation, robotics, and other Industry 4.0 technologies have the potential to greatly influence and, to some extent, revolutionize the production of electronic components. Manufacturers that successfully integrate these technologies into their processes may gain a competitive advantage in terms of productivity, precision, and cost-efficiency.

Physical product aside, the rapid pace of technological advancement also demands a highly skilled, adaptable workforce capable of designing and manufacturing advanced components. Investment in education, training, and talent retention can be critical for companies wanting to stay ahead—and that’s rarely cheap.

Unfortunately, smaller companies and manufacturers may struggle to compete with larger firms that have more substantial financial resources to invest in new technologies and skill sets, potentially leading to market consolidation.

Rapid Technological Obsolescence

New technologies evolve at a fast pace, making it challenging for electronic component manufacturers to keep up. Today's cutting-edge components may quickly become obsolete, forcing manufacturers to continually innovate and adjust production lines to cater to newer technologies. This demand for constant product evolution, paired with supply chain struggles, is nothing more than a recipe for disaster. 

Higher Production Costs

The growing demand for and cost of high-performance components inevitably drives up production costs. Manufacturers are required to invest in state-of-the-art machinery, sophisticated design software, and highly skilled engineers. Balancing these costs with the price-sensitive nature of the market is a significant challenge for industry players.

Environmental Concerns

Electronic components' production can be resource-intensive and pose significant environmental challenges. Hazardous materials used in components, e-waste, and high energy consumption during production are issues that need to be addressed. The industry is under growing pressure to adopt greener processes and incorporate lifecycle considerations into component design.

A prime and prevalent example of the sustainability problems plaguing the electronic components industry is that of the semiconductor. Arguably, one of the most important inventions in modern history, the semiconductor’s manufacturing process requires substantial water usage and produces hazardous chemical waste. As demand increases, so does the environmental impact, which highlights the need for key players in the industry (TSMC, Intel, Qualcomm, etc.) to create more sustainable manufacturing processes.

Demands on the Electronic Component Industry

Just as a master violinist sets high demands on their instrument to create enchanting melodies, emerging technologies are placing profound expectations on the electronic component industry. This increasingly sophisticated orchestra of technological innovations is both a challenge and an opportunity, demanding an exceptional level of performance and adaptability from industry players. The following list features some of the most pressing demands of the electronic component industry today: 

  1. Adapting to Advanced Manufacturing: Emerging technologies demand components with higher performance and lower power consumption, necessitating advanced manufacturing techniques like extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. Manufacturers must adapt to these new processes to stay competitive.
  2. Component Miniaturization: As devices get smarter and smaller, the components that power them also need to shrink without compromising performance. This demand places a significant burden on manufacturers to continually push the envelope of miniaturization.
  3. Connectivity: With the exponential adoption of IoT-enhanced devices both in the home and business (IIoT in the latter case), reliable connectivity has become absolutely crucial for the everyday running of the world around. The Internet of Things relies heavily on seamless, fast, and secure connections, so there is a pressing demand for components that can support various connectivity protocols (like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc.) and provide robust data security.
  4. Data Privacy and Security: As more devices are becoming interconnected, data security is becoming an increasing concern for consumers and regulators. Electronic component manufacturers must consider how their products contribute to the overall security of devices, especially as they become more integrated into critical infrastructure and sensitive applications.
  5. Focus on Sustainability: As environmental concerns rise, there's increasing pressure on manufacturers to adopt sustainable practices. This includes improving energy efficiency, reducing water usage, and minimizing hazardous waste.
  6. Global Competition and Regulation: With the rise of technology hubs across the world, competition is no longer confined to local markets. Component manufacturers must now deal with international competitors who might have access to more resources, cheaper labor, or fewer regulatory constraints. At the same time, global regulations concerning safety standards, environmental impact, and fair trade practices also influence the operating environment for these manufacturers.
  7. Investment in R&D: Manufacturers must invest heavily in R&D to develop advanced components and stay ahead of the technological curve. This includes exploring new materials, optimizing designs, and integrating components at the system level.

While new technologies bring lucrative opportunities for the electronic component industry, they also present substantial challenges. Take, for instance, electric vehicles (EVs) and the Internet of Things; these two innovative technologies are bringing about a profound transformation in everyday life and, in turn, the electronic component industry. Both technologies are spurring growth and innovation and are economically astounding, but they also impose new challenges and demands upon the manufacturers of electronic components. 

To succeed in the new, dynamic environment in which we find ourselves, industry players must proactively adapt to frequent changes, invest heavily in research and development, and develop strategic partnerships that mitigate supply chain complexities and ensure a seamless supply of products. Manufacturers must adapt to the evolving technological landscape by innovating, investing in advanced manufacturing, and focusing on sustainability to stay competitive and relevant in the face of rapid technological advancement. The electronic component industry is at a pivotal juncture, and its response to emerging technologies will shape its trajectory in the years to come; its ability to meet societal demands will be a critical determinant of its success in the future—and, based on the recent evolution of technology and our dependence on it, failure will not be an option.

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About Author

Oliver J. Freeman, FRSA, former Editor-in-Chief of Supply Chain Digital magazine, is an author and editor who contributes content to leading publications and elite universities—including the University of Oxford and Massachusetts Institute of Technology—and ghostwrites thought leadership for well-known industry leaders in the supply chain space. Oliver focuses primarily on the intersection between supply chain management, sustainable norms and values, technological enhancement, and the evolution of Industry 4.0 and its impact on globally interconnected value chains, with a particular interest in the implication of technology supply shortages.

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