Innovators Around the Globe Contribute to Coronavirus Intervention

Judy Warner
|  Created: May 19, 2020  |  Updated: February 5, 2021
Innovators Around the Globe Contribute to Coronavirus Intervention

Colin Keogh PhD, CEO & Founder at The Rapid Foundation, has been on the front lines of the effort to combat ventilator shortages ever since a Facebook group called Open Source COVID-19 Medical Supplies (OSCMS) first presented the problem.

 As cofounder of Open Source Ventilator (OSV) Ireland and a member of its core team, Colin offers his uniquely qualified perspective on open source innovation: its obstacles, its advantages, and its impact on world governments and regulatory bodies both now and in the future. 

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Show Highlights:

  • Racing a pandemic: How Open Source Ventilator (OSV) Ireland turned a single Facebook post into an enterprise-scale organization composed of hundreds of engineers around the world.
  • Silver linings in the time of COVID-19: evaluating the role of innovators in an epidemic, and how the lines separating government bodies and open source innovators become blurred in times of need.
  • What young engineers are bringing to the table, and how the contributions of open-source innovators compare to that of Fortune 100 companies of today. 
  • ‘Fail fast and break things’ vs. the traditional approach to engineering: reconciling the two faces of modern innovation. 
  • Slack, Zoom, and Altium: the collaborative tools OSV Ireland used to produce solutions quickly while managing its unprecedented explosive growth. 
  • Welcome aboard; solutions are required: How OSV turned the usual medical design process on its head.
  • ‘The provision of information is gonna be very important’: How the pandemic has affected the navigation of medical device regulation from country to country, and what innovators can expect from regulatory bodies in the future. 
  • How new revelations brought about by the pandemic will affect the interaction of medical device developers and regulatory bodies in the future.
  • Colin’s delivers his unique perspective of the overall impact of COVID-19 on the world, and how engineers will use this experience to continue to overcome the obstacles ahead.

Links and Resources:

Colin Keogh on LinkedIn
Open Source Ventilator Website
OSV on Twitter
OSV on Linkedin
Fundraiser by Dugan Karnazes : Open Source Ventilator
Watch: Engineering Together to Save Lives

Altium 365 Podcast Listener Discount


About Author

About Author

Judy Warner has held a unique variety of roles in the electronics industry for over 25 years. She has a background in PCB Manufacturing, RF and Microwave PCBs and Contract Manufacturing, focusing on Mil/Aero applications. 

She has also been a writer, blogger, and journalist for several industry publications such as Microwave Journal, PCB007 Magazine, PCB Design007, PCD&F, and IEEE Microwave Magazine, and an active board member for PCEA (Printed Circuit Engineering Association). In 2017, Warner joined Altium as the Director of Community Engagement. In addition to hosting the OnTrack Podcast and creating the OnTrack Newsletter, she launched Altium's annual user conference, AltiumLive. Warner's passion is to provide resources, support, and advocate for PCB Design Engineers worldwide.

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