When we introduced Similar Parts last year, our aim was to help users discover more relevant parts whenever a search on Octopart returned only one result. The idea was to make finding the right part easier whenever your options were limited. This reduces the possibility of getting stuck with a search that returned an out-of-stock part or one with a dramatically higher price.
Whenever a search returns one result, our powerful Similar Parts algorithm returns comparable parts by matching the key attributes of the original part.
In our effort to push part discovery forward, we’ve taken the next step: Similar Parts recommendations now appears on over 4.2 million part detail pages on Octopart.
The same algorithm found on the search results page works its magic on these part pages to show you comparable parts with similar specifications matched across key attributes.
These recommendations help you discover parts that may be more available or better suited to your needs than the original part.
This is automated part discovery evolved.