To kick off 2023, we’re happy to share some exciting enhancements that we’ve made to Altium 365! Let's look at some of the highlights and see what you can do now:
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Simulation Uploads
Simulation in Altium 365 allows you to upload and attach any simulation file to a project or a specific release. Associating the files with the project makes them easily accessible and traceable for any project collaborators or audit purposes.
Add Screenshots to Comments
Now you can add screenshots to comments. Sometimes a picture is worth more than words, and screenshots let you capture rework ideas or details from a component datasheet, manufacturer's website, or reference design to share with others or reference later.
ODB++ in Altium 365 Viewer
Starting with this update, you can now view ODB++ files in Altium 365 Viewer along with other output CAM formats such as Gerber RS274x and Gerber X2 (with corresponding NC Drill (numeric control drill) data).
Part Choices Revision Control
The new revision-controlled part choice enforces a special level of control on parts. The Component History shows an appropriate list of part choices for each revision, and the Compare Components function allows for a quick comparison of component changes.
Transfer Object Ownership
We have added the ability to transfer the ownership of an object (project, folder, or component) to another person. If there is a change of roles or project updates, you can transfer an object to another person.
Task Assignment Notifications
With the latest update to task assignment notifications, project-level and workspace-level tasks will send notifications when events are assigned, or a user is mentioned in a task’s comment. The notifications ensure that people are notified and fully engaged even when they are not actively working on a given project.
Preserving Contextual Comments in Layers
Add contextual comments to the entire project, including the layers view mode. If you comment on a specific layer, Altium 365 will show you the exact layer you commented on and the comment's position within that layer. This is useful for understanding a specific issue.
Altium 365 Web Viewer Improvements
We are excited to announce four more productivity feature improvements in Altium 365 Web View: Preserve View, Object Visibility, Net Selection, and Additional Keyboard Shortcuts.
That is all we have to share with you this time. Check out our Altium 365 tutorial and say “hi” at one of the live training sessions we host several times a month.