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Sainesh Solanki
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Sainesh Solanki
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How to use Schematic CAD for Harness Drawings and Cable Assemblies: Part 4
Sainesh Solanki continues his blog series on using Schematic CAD tools for cable and wiring harness design. In this 4th installment, Sainesh discusses how to clearly lay out the cable assembly drawing on the schematic page, along with the electrical schematic for generating a netlist for testing and DRC later on. Read on to find out how you can be using schematic CAD drawings for cable assemblies. Doing the cable assembly drawing in a Printed
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How to use Schematic CAD Drawings for Cable Assemblies: Part 2
The need to design cable assembly drawings often falls to the electronics design team, but for many, the use of high-cost dedicated cabling design software is simply out of reach and overkill. In this second installment of the cable design blog series, Sainesh Solanki reveals the needed design elements of the components used in great cable assembly drawings (you can access part 1 here). These schematic symbols and their associated parameters and
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How to use Schematic CAD Drawings for Cable Assemblies: Part 1
The need for computer-aided cable assembly drawings often falls to the electronics design team, but for many, the use of high-cost dedicated cable design software is simply out of reach and overkill. The solution? Use the Schematic Editor! Most electronic engineers work on products that require Printed Circuit Board designs to be interconnected by cable assemblies. As you might have already noticed, some dedicated tools that primarily focus on
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How to use Schematic CAD Drawings for Cable Assemblies: Part 3
The long-anticipated part 3 in Sainesh Solanki's Cable and Harness Design blog series is here! This installment continues the establishment of libraries with connector heads and crimp lugs, as well as how to model heat shrinks. We introduce some parameters too, which enable wire-to-crimp compatibility checks. You can access part 2 here, but if you're all caught up, read on! Creating Components Continued... Two additional schematic symbols can be
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