An Expert Panel Discussion on Altium 365 GovCloud

Created: August 3, 2023
Updated: July 2, 2024

Altium 365 GovCloud is a specialized region operated by Altium, exclusively managed by U.S. Persons, and situated within the AWS GovCloud region in the United States. By opting for Altium 365 GovCloud, you can ensure compliance with U.S. government regulations, specifically ITAR and EAR.

🎯 This expert panel investigates crucial topics and considerations for implementing Altium 365 GovCloud. 

 👥 Meet the Guest Speakers:

👉 Mahesh Venugopala - A seasoned expert in cloud technology, software development, and IT infrastructure. 

👉 Bruno Blasigh - An accomplished technical security professional with expertise in public cloud security, architecture, computer forensics, and information assurance. As the Director of Cloud Security at Altium®, Bruno is dedicated to maintaining robust security measures and safeguarding digital assets for Altium 365 GovCloud users.

🚀 It's time to take your cloud experience to the next level with Altium 365 GovCloud! Watch the panel discussion now! 🎙️🌐

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