
Adrienne Lieberman
|  已创建:September 27, 2023  |  已更新:July 1, 2024

在这个不断变化的行业环境中,保持信息灵通和适应性是电子元件行业成功的关键。我们最近在7月19日, 2023年举办的网络研讨会上,主讲人为高级研究分析师、技术专家Dennis Reed,以及Octopart的负责人Daniel Schoenfelder,他们提供了关于行业当前趋势和挑战的宝贵见解。


  • 经济转变:行业已从“以防万一”的库存管理转变为“及时到货”,现在面临“库存过多”的挑战。根据Octopart的数据,过去18个月内,各类电子元件的库存水平急剧上升。
  • 汽车和工业挑战:汽车行业正经历需求的多样化,由车队车辆和向豪华轿车及SUV的转变所驱动。工业部门由于宏观经济因素和更高的利率,面临谨慎增长,影响资本支出。
  • 国防和医疗机会:国防工业正处于长期的结构性上升期,重点关注未来战争技术,如卫星和高超音速导弹。医疗市场显示出强劲增长,由人口结构变化和对医疗设备需求增加所驱动。Octopart的数据显示,预计全球医疗设备销售在未来10年将几乎翻倍。
  • 半导体不确定性:半导体行业面临库存激增和需求不可预测的障碍,导致难以预测反弹。Octopart的数据揭示了半导体需求的重大变化,影响了互连和被动设备等相关类别。在电子元件行业不断变化的格局中,保持信息灵通和适应性现在比以往任何时候都更为关键。







Adrienne Lieberman is an accomplished Product Marketing Manager at Altium, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the marketing strategy for Octopart. With over 12 years of extensive experience in the digital marketing landscape, Adrienne has established herself as a highly skilled professional in the software and technology industry. Holding a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from Temple University's Fox School of Business, she possesses a solid foundation in marketing principles and strategies. Adrienne's industry knowledge enables her to anticipate market needs and tailor marketing strategies that align with industry demands, ultimately driving brand awareness, customer engagement, and revenue growth. Within the Altium marketing team, Adrienne's business acumen, digital marketing expertise, and industry knowledge make her an invaluable asset, consistently positioning Octopart as a leading player in the market and contributing to the company's ongoing success. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and exploring the outdoors with her husband and their one-year-old daughter.


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