Growth Prospects for GaN and SiC Semiconductors

Adam J. Fleischer
|  Created: October 17, 2024  |  Updated: October 23, 2024
Growth Prospects for GaN and SiC Semiconductors

The semiconductor world is abuzz with gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC). Word is GaN and SiC are ready to disrupt the long-standing reign of silicon. It’s in the spotlight because we're talking about major leaps in efficiency and performance that are already impacting major industries, including electric vehicles, renewable energy, and consumer electronics.

Why is this such a big deal? As we race towards more compact, powerful, and energy-efficient devices, the old silicon workhorse isn’t cutting it anymore. GaN and SiC? They're fresh talent with the potential to supercharge power systems, boost efficiency, and unlock innovations that we couldn't dream of a decade ago. Reflecting all this, the market for GaN and SiC is growing fast.

Market Size and Growth Projections

Let’s look at the numbers. According to Fact.MR, the GaN and SiC semiconductors market is expected to expand from an estimated $1.4 billion in 2024 to $11 billion by 2034, amounting to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.9%. Future Market Insights (FMI) provides a more optimistic outlook, estimating the market could reach an impressive $23.7 billion by 2034, growing at a CAGR of 27.1% from 2024 to 2034 (see Figure 1).

GaN and SiC market projections
Figure 1 – GaN and SiC market projections from Future Market Insights (FMI).

What Are Wide Bandgap Materials?

Wide bandgap (WBG) materials (primarily GaN and SiC) are at the forefront of semiconductor technology. These materials are used to create a variety of discrete components, power modules and integrated circuits. The term "wide bandgap" refers to the substantial energy gap between the valence band and the conduction band in these materials, typically 3 eV or higher than silicon's 1.1 eV.

Advantages of Wide Bandgap Materials

One of the big advantages of WBG materials is their ability to withstand much stronger electric fields before breakdown occurs. GaN and SiC boast breakdown fields approximately ten times higher than silicon. This characteristic, combined with their wide bandgap, allows devices made from these materials to operate at higher voltages, temperatures, and frequencies than traditional silicon-based semiconductors.

Higher Operating Temperatures: WBG devices can operate at temperatures up to 200°C, compared to silicon's limit of around 150°C.

Higher Voltage Operation: A higher breakdown field allows WBG devices to handle much higher voltages in smaller devices.

Faster Switching Speeds: WBG materials enable switching frequencies up to 10 times higher than silicon due to higher electron mobility and saturation velocity.

Improved Efficiency: WBG devices have lower on-resistance and switching losses, leading to higher efficiency in power conversion applications.

Smaller Device Size: The superior properties of WBG materials allow for more compact and lighter-weight designs.

Leading Growth Applications for GaN and SiC

The adoption of GaN and SiC semiconductors is expanding rapidly across industries, driven by their superior performance characteristics. These wide bandgap materials are finding applications in several key sectors, each using GaN and SiC to drive innovation and efficiency. Let's take a look at a few:

Electric Vehicles: Because GaN and SiC operate at higher voltages and temperatures, they are well-suited to improve many automotive applications and the transition to electric mobility. For example, GaN and SiC are used to enhance the efficiency of EV powertrains, enabling longer driving ranges and faster charging times, which are critical differentiators for EVs. 

Electric vehicles

Consumer Electronics: GaN and SiC materials enable smaller, lighter components without sacrificing performance. This makes them valuable for developing next-generation consumer devices and fulfilling the continuous push for miniaturization.

Wireless Communications: 5G networks and evolving wireless technologies are creating significant opportunities for GaN and SiC. GaN is particularly valuable in 5G base stations, while both materials are found in satellite and radar systems. 

Renewable Energy: GaN and SiC are finding their place in sustainable energy systems due to their ability to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of renewable power conversion and management systems.

GaN and SiC Technological Advancements

The GaN and SiC semiconductor market is experiencing intense competition as industry giants and innovative startups alike vie for dominance with heavy investments in research and development. 

Continuous improvements in manufacturing processes — such as epitaxial growth techniques and advanced packaging technologies — are enhancing performance and improving yields. As GaN and SiC manufacturing becomes more efficient and cost-effective, the barriers to these technologies are being lowered for broader use across industries. 

Challenges and Limitations of GaN and SiC

Despite the positive long-term outlook, the GaN and SiC market is facing several challenges, including: 

High Manufacturing Costs: The fabrication processes for GaN and SiC devices involve specialized equipment, complex epitaxial growth techniques, and stringent quality control measures. Today, this means high production expenses. These high costs limit manufacturing scalability and can result in relatively expensive end products, making some GaN and SiC solutions less competitive than traditional silicon-based alternatives.

Yet, competition for this lucrative market is powering a race to achieve cost parity with traditional silicon-based semiconductors. For example, Infineon recently announced a breakthrough in GaN technology that could significantly reduce the prices of GaN devices and enable the company to capture a big piece of the market. In the announcement,  Jochen Hanebeck, Infineon CEO, says, “We expect that market prices for GaN chips will approach silicon prices in the coming years.” 

Limited Availability of High-Quality Substrates: GaN and SiC require specialized substrates for epitaxial growth, and the supply of these substrates can be constrained by factors such as production capacity and material quality. Limited substrate availability can lead to supply chain disruptions, increased production costs, and delays in product development.

Production capacity and material quality

Substrates Competition: Competition for substrates among different industries is making the situation worse, sometimes hindering the scalability of GaN and SiC device manufacturing and impeding broader adoption in various applications.

A recent McKinsey article on managing uncertainty in the silicon carbide wafer market goes in-depth on how the SiC wafer industry faces significant supply chain constraints. McKinsey says these challenges must be proactively managed through improved planning, diversification, and investment to meet the forecasted demand growth.

Realizing the Potential of GaN and SiC

The future of GaN and SiC semiconductors is promising. With EVs, renewable energy systems, and next-gen consumer electronics pushing the limits of what’s possible, wide bandgap materials are poised to take center stage. 

As manufacturers progress in improving production methods, costs are coming down and adoption across industries is ramping up. The industry’s challenge? Keeping pace with potentially skyrocketing demand while overcoming hurdles like high manufacturing costs and limited substrate availability.

The race to close the gap with traditional silicon is heating up, and we’re seeing industry giants like Infineon make significant breakthroughs. As collaboration between researchers, manufacturers, and end-users grows and gains momentum, the full potential of these technologies is getting closer and closer. 

About Author

About Author

Adam Fleischer is a principal at, a technology marketing consultancy that works with technology leaders – like Microsoft, SAP, IBM, and Arrow Electronics – as well as with small high-growth companies. Adam has been a tech geek since programming a lunar landing game on a DEC mainframe as a kid. Adam founded and for a decade acted as CEO of E.ON Interactive, a boutique award-winning creative interactive design agency in Silicon Valley. He holds an MBA from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and a B.A. from Columbia University. Adam also has a background in performance magic and is currently on the executive team organizing an international conference on how performance magic inspires creativity in technology and science. 

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