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Altium, a leading global developer of software for electronics design, and Ansys, one of the leading and well-known global developer of simulation software, invite you to participate in a joint webinar "A Seamless Connection Between ECAD and Simulation".
Today’s PCB Designs are faced with multiple requirements and constraints, next to sharp timelines and fixed release dates. By nature every potential additional step might not be taken to avoid delays. Simulation often is seen as such an extra, time-consuming and manual step. But on the contrary, simulation can help to ensure 'first-time-right', it can also detect things that have a negative impact on quality or reliability later on at a very, very early stage. Altium and Ansys have partnered to solve the most time-consuming steps in between and even further developed a seamless integration and structured approach.
Design, validate, and verify the most advanced schematics.
One interface. One data
model. Endless possibilities.
Effortlessly collaborate with
mechanical designers.
The world's most trusted
PCB design platform
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Design, validate, and verify the most advanced schematics.
The world’s most trusted PCB design system.