Bridging the Gap Between Product Development and Operations

Created: April 10, 2017
Updated: March 20, 2020
Bridging the Gap Between Product Development and Operations

Breaking down silos between business groups, especially between product development and operations, is critical to ensuring that the product lifecycle and New Product Introduction (NPI) process run smoothly and successfully. The feedback from 125 respondents offers insights on best practices as well as how the Best-in-Class benefit from a more collaborative approach.

Key findings include:

  1. Cost is still king when it comes to manufacturing operations, but product release cycles and customer demands for higher quality are starting to compete for the top spot.

  2. The Best-in-Class realize collaboration and ideation among their employees is a crucial first step to developing successful products.

  3. A successful product is not just based on good design- manufacturability is a critical aspect of all design endeavors.

  4. Best-in-Class manufacturers are more likely to interoperate across their PLM, MOM, and ERP systems. This is what truly separates them from their peers.

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