New PDN Analysis Extension Now Available for Altium Designer

Sam Sattel
|  Created: February 21, 2017  |  Updated: September 25, 2020

 analysis extension

Read about a new extension for Altium Designer® that allows you to efficiently optimize your at design time.

With digital designs continuing to increase in density and complexity, it’s more difficult and critical than ever to fully understand the impact of design decisions on your Power Distribution Network () voltage and current performance. Rather than treating issues as a post-design afterthought in a physical prototype, you need a way to accurately identify and resolve every IR drop and current density issue as part of your board layout process.

Altium and the simulation experts at CST® have teamed up to offer a new extension for Altium that allows you to easily resolve issues as they arise during your board layout process. Engineers interested in trying out the new PDN Analyzer extension can register now for a free trial.

Optimizing Your at Design Time

With analysis built right into your design tool, it’s easy to optimize your Power Distribution Network without ever relying on physical prototypes or having to consult simulation experts. The powered by CST® includes:

Precise Analysis for Every PCB

Easily identify and resolve DC voltage and current density issues during your board layout process with an intuitive and easy-to-use analysis tool. Quickly analyze every voltage on your board layout in Native 3D with an automated analysis setup, and see results at design time without ever interrupting your design workflow.

Easy, Powerful, Modern

The world’s most trusted PCB design system.

Precise  Analysis for Every PCB

Unified Design and Analysis Workflow in Altium

Stay at your most efficient in your DC design process using the Altium Unified Design workflow. Continuously analyze voltage and current performance throughout your board layout process to ensure your is optimized and error-free.

Unified Design and Analysis Workflow in Altium

Powerful Analysis Technology from the CST® Simulation Experts

Easily understand exactly what changes need to be made to your board layout for an optimized with the latest advances in analysis technology from CST®. Take advantage of over 30 years of simulation technology from the experts at CST® to resolve your power integrity issues as part of your design process without ever relying on physical prototypes.

Powerful Analysis Technology from the CST<sup>®</sup> Simulation Experts

Part Insights Experience

Access critical supply chain intelligence as you design.

Start Your Free Trial Today

powered by CST® is available as an easy-to-install extension in your Altium environment. Ready to get started? Register now for a free trial or contact your local Altium Sales Office today for licensing and pricing options.

CST® is a registered trademark of CST - Computer Simulation Technology AG and Altium claims no rights there within.

About Author

About Author

Sam currently serves as the Director of Technical Marketing at Altium and has grown throughout the company in a variety of positions over the past 15 years. He started his journey in engineering at Sony as a Mechanical Engineer, and has held positions in board design, sales, and product management at various organizations.

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