赋能创新,携手Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner

Cam Collins
|  已创建:五月 14, 2024
赋能创新:Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner 封面

各位工程师们,大家好!今天,我非常激动地与大家分享我们使用Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner的难以置信的经历,这是一个改变游戏规则的工具,它彻底改变了ECAD和MCAD设计师之间的协作方式。准备好深入了解Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner的强大功能及其在推动创新中的作用吧。



通过Altium MCAD CoDesigner简化协作

Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner的出现,是连接ECAD和MCAD领域鸿沟的终极解决方案。这个改变游戏规则的工具允许实时协作和数据交换,使设计师能够在他们首选的环境中原生工作——机械设计师使用SOLIDWORKS,电气设计师使用Altium。通过这种无缝集成,组件和布局可以轻松地来回传递,节省宝贵的时间并减少错误。


我们使用Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner的旅程简直是变革性的。作为Team Ribbot的机械工程师,我能够直接在电路板设计上放置组件以优化热管理,而无需离开SOLIDWORKS。ECAD和MCAD设计师之间的无缝协作确保了我们在BattleBots竞技场中的最佳性能,给我们带来了竞争优势。


Altium MCAD CoDesigner通过为ECAD和MCAD设计师提供一个平台,使他们能够无缝协作并在设计过程的早期做出明智的决策,从而赋予创新以动力。该工具消除了耗时的手工返工和沟通失误,使我们能够专注于推动创意的边界,并比以往任何时候都更快地交付高质量的产品。


机器人技术的演变从业余爱好者项目到激烈的BattleBots世界,是人类智慧和坚持不懈的证明。随着Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner在跨领域合作中领跑,机器人和电子设计的未来比以往任何时候都更加充满希望。随着我们继续推动技术和创造力的边界,创新的可能性真的是无限的。让我们一起迈入这个令人兴奋的未来,手持Altium 365 MCAD CoDesigner的力量。



Cam Collins is a practicing mechanical engineer in the aerospace and defense industry by day and a combat robotics enthusiast by night. He is one of the founding members of Team Ribbot and has risen to become the lead mechanical engineer and co-captain of the team. Through his experience in industry, Cam has developed a solid foundation in the concepts of electromechanical packaging, which he is able to apply to the design of Ribbot’s custom motor and electronic speed controller (ESC) designs.

Before beginning his career in defense, Cam earned a BS and MS in mechanical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), where Team Ribbot was originally founded. Through the rigorous curriculum and project-based learning at WPI, Cam developed a strong theoretical and practical background in engineering. His knowledge base has grown over the last several years in developing custom electronics packaging solutions to meet difficult environmental requirements for a variety of applications. Cam’s background in combat robotics and high-performance electronics enables him to help lead Team Ribbot in their pursuit of a World Championship.



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