No more chaos now it's possible all the required documents can be created by running the output job file command of Altium so you get the same documents from each engineer in your organization every time.
Document creation and management has long been one of the most time-consuming endeavors of an engineer’s daily routine. The sheer number of documents that gets created during a typical design cycle is astonishing. Multiple engineers need to create documentation at different stages during the design process the problem is, in most companies it is not controlled or as rigorous as it should be. So you end up getting the same documents from different
engineers at each design stage, but they are often very inconsistent and lacking in uniformity.
Often they don’t even contain the same information, same format or even the same disclosures.
Documentation should be uniform and follow the same structure and format from every engineer at each stage of the design cycle. It should not be left up to the individual engineers to decide what documentation they want to create, or how they want to format it or even what they want it to look like.
Those are high-level decisions that need to be made by management. The infrastructure should be created such that at each predetermined design stage, certain documents are required. Those documents should all be uniform and created from the same templates so they are consistent and contain the same level of information, presented in the same manner, from each engineer, every time, for every design project.
An example of typical engineering design flow at a mid-level company may have three stages:
The three stages described above comprise a typical design process for a mid-level company.
Imagine the chaos of having multiple engineers each submitting their own documentation in their own format, and the inconsistent nature in which that documentation is presented.
Altium Designer® has built solutions to address this challenge. When Altium Designer is installed, we include a templates folder that presents multiple templates for a number of different document types such as schematic templates, PCB net clearance rules templates and BOM templates. Those templates can easily be modified and saved to meet your organization’s needs.There is also the concept of a document template called an “Output Job File,” which is a template that can be created so you can group a number of documents together for a specific toll gate.
All therequired documents can be created by running the output job file command so you get the same documents from each engineer in your organization every time.For the three stages described above, you can create three separate output job files. One for each toll gate.
In each output job file, each of the required documents described above would be defined using the appropriate document templates. Your design teams can benefit by using the output job files templates at each design stage of your design processes, ensuring that all engineers arecreating the same documents the same way, every time. This maintains conformity and ensures a significant reduction in the number of man hours spent creating and modifying documentation on a daily basis.