Types of PCB Soldering and the Assembly Process

Zachariah Peterson
|  Created: April 2, 2021  |  Updated: September 25, 2023
Types of PCB soldering

I remember when I first started working in a lab and had to occasionally solder wire leads onto metalized contacts. We were working with semiconductor materials, but the same materials can be used in PCB soldering, it’s all a matter of choosing the right blend to fit into the PCB manufacturing process.

The PCB manufacturing process involves multiple steps, spanning from bare board fabrication to assembly and packaging. As part of PCB assembly, there are different types of PCB solder used to mount components. Different solders have different mechanical characteristics, safety considerations, and disposal concerns that should be considered when planning for assembly. The transition to lead-free electronics is pushing the use of lead-based solder to the margins.

I won’t get into the lead-based vs. lead-free debate just yet as the internet has plenty to say about this. For now, let’s stick to looking at the different types of PCB soldering, specifically different materials and processes.

PCB Soldering Materials

There are many different kinds of solder available on the market, and picking the best type of solder might seem like a daunting task for the new designer or assembler. Solders are used to make electrical connections between metal contacts by allowing molten solder (which is a soft alloy) to form a eutectic that fuses as it cools. The blend of metals that makes up a soldered PCB will determine its mechanical strength after solidification, the required melting temperature, and any fumes put off during soldering. We can distinguish types of PCB soldering materials by core material, metallic constituents, and types of soldering flux.

Metallic Content

Lead solder blends are known as soft solders and are responsible for kicking off the electronics industry. They have a melting point of around 180-190 °C and shelf life of about 2 years. Common lead-based solder alloys include:

  • 60/40 Sn/Pb
  • 63/37 Sn/Pb
  • 62/36/2 Sn/Pb/Ag

Other Sn/Pb ratios include 50/50, 30/70, and 10/90. Tin is primarily used as the base metal as it gives the alloy a lower melting point, and the lead inhibits the growth of tin whiskers. A higher tin concentration ensures the soldered joint has higher shear and tensile strength. The silver component in 62/36/2 Sn/Pb/Ag provides lower contact resistance and corrosion resistance. Note that there are other types of solder (indium, zinc alloy, etc.), but these are not used on PCBs as they are incompatible with the PCB manufacturing process.

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Types of PCB soldering
60/40 Sn-Pb solder for hand soldering is still sold on spools like these.

Lead-free solders are gaining more popularity ever since the EU passed the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which restricts the use of lead in electronics. One problem with lead-free solders is that they are more likely to form tin whiskers. Conformal coatings are often used to prevent these tin whiskers from forming and to provide protection from humidity and corrosion.

Flux core solder is sold as a single reel and contains a reducing agent in the core. This reducing agent (I’ll discuss below) removes any oxide film on the metal contacts to ensure an electrical contact with high conductivity. The type of material contained in the core is another point to consider if you are soldering by hand.

Solder Core Material and Flux

Spools of solder or solder pastes will contain one of these types of materials to flux the metal contacts during soldering:

  • Organic acid flux: An acid-based flux ensures aggressive removal of oxides from metal contacts as they are soldered. This flux is water soluble and requires residues be cleaned after soldering to prevent corrosion.
  • Rosin flux: Rosin is a solid form of resin derived from conifers. Rosin flux residue will not cause corrosion, so it is used whenever it may be more difficult to remove residue from organic acid flux.
  • Alcohol-based no-clean flux: These fluxes may be present in solder paste and may be mixed with rosin. They also evaporate quickly during heating and are less likely to splatter.
  • Solid core solders: Some solder wire has a solid core and does not contain any flux, so flux needs to be applied by hand. This type of solder is useful for hand soldering as long as flux is available.

Once soldering is completed, flux used during soldering will leave behind some residues on the PCB surface that may appear tacky. These residues can be slightly conductive and contain salts, so they are normally cleaned after assembly. It is generally assumed that residues from no-clean flux can be left on the PCB after assembly, but it is well-known that this is not the case. No-clean flux should actually be cleaned with an alcohol solution or a cleaning spray.

No-clean flux residues need to removed from a PCBA for several reasons. The most important reason is that flux residues are highly hygroscopic, may be water soluble, and they contain salts. If water adsorbs into the residue, leakage current through the residue may drive corrosion on exposed conductors. A simple cleaning process following assembly prevents this.

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PCB Soldering Processes

Today, the most common type of solder in PCBs is lead-free (Sn-Cu) rosin core solder. Unless your assembler is working a one-off board or you are assembling your own board, the PCBA will not be soldered by hand. Instead, it will go through an automated process:

  • Wave soldering: Used for through-hole components
  • Reflow soldering: Used for SMT components in a reflow oven
  • Selective soldering: Used when a through-hole component might be damaged by high heat or is unsuitable for the wave and reflow processes
  • Intrusive soldering: Used to apply solder paste to through-hole components, and solder joints are formed in through-holes during reflow
Types of PCB soldering through-hole components
Automated selective soldering of a PCB's through-hole components.

Flux/paste is first applied to the metal contacts on the board to reduce oxidation and even out the flow of molten solder, which strengthens the finished soldered joint on a PCB. Most designers will probably assume that you need to assemble parts with Pb-free leads using a Pb-free solder paste, but this is not a strict requirement. According to a panel of soldering experts, it’s not uncommon to mix these materials, although be aware that the final alloy you form may have mechanical properties that lie in-between the final Pb-based and Pb-free alloys.

Another type of soldering that involves a reflow process is intrusive soldering. In this process, solder paste is applied to through-hole components, and the assembly is reflowed or selectively soldered with an iron. When high throughput is required, the board will typically be passed through an oven to form the solder joint.

During intrusive soldering, the applied solder paste infiltrates the through-hole and bonds to the component lead. The process involved is quite simple:

  1. Solder paste is applied to the holes using automated paste dispensing or through a stencil
  2. The board is passed into reflow and solder joints form in a standard process
  3. Flux residues from the paste are cleaned and removed from the surfaces

If a through-hole component will be intrusively soldered, then the PCB footprint will need to have a solder mask opening applied around the through-hole. Depending on the size of the lead and weld area, the required mask opening could be rather large. If intrusive soldering is requested for your assembly process, your assembler can recommend paste mask openings, or they can apply the required openings in your Gerbers. Whenever there are soldering process questions, make sure to contact your assembly house for guidance.

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About Author

About Author

Zachariah Peterson has an extensive technical background in academia and industry. He currently provides research, design, and marketing services to companies in the electronics industry. Prior to working in the PCB industry, he taught at Portland State University and conducted research on random laser theory, materials, and stability. His background in scientific research spans topics in nanoparticle lasers, electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices, environmental sensors, and stochastics. His work has been published in over a dozen peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and he has written 2500+ technical articles on PCB design for a number of companies. He is a member of IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Electronics Packaging Society, American Physical Society, and the Printed Circuit Engineering Association (PCEA). He previously served as a voting member on the INCITS Quantum Computing Technical Advisory Committee working on technical standards for quantum electronics, and he currently serves on the IEEE P3186 Working Group focused on Port Interface Representing Photonic Signals Using SPICE-class Circuit Simulators.

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