Talking Signal Integrity & PCB Laminates w/ Bert Simonovich

James Sweetlove
|  Created: June 4, 2024
Talking Signal Integrity & PCB Laminates w/ Bert Simonovich

Learn about the complexities of dielectric anisotropy and its implications for high-speed PCB designs in this week’s OnTrack podcast episode. Don't miss this engaging and informative discussion.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Learn about the different dielectric constants in PCB materials.
  • Discover how anisotropic properties affect transmission line modeling in PCB LAMINATES.
  • Gain practical knowledge for achieving better signal integrity in your PCB designs
  • The critical aspects of signal integrity in modern electronics

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About Author

About Author

James Sweetlove is the Social Media Manager for Altium where he manages all social accounts and paid social advertising for Altium, as well as the Octopart and Nexar brands, as well as hosting the CTRL+Listen Podcast series. James comes from a background in government having worked as a commercial and legislative analyst in Australia before moving to the US and shifting into the digital marketing sector in 2020. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and History from USQ (Australia) and a post-graduate degree in political science from the University of Otago (New Zealand). Outside of Altium James manages a successful website, podcast and non-profit record label and lives in San Diego California.

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