Altium's Upverter for Linux: PCB Design Software that is Ready for You to Use

Zachariah Peterson
|  Created: May 21, 2020  |  Updated: November 14, 2020
Linux PCB Design Software that is Ready for You to Use

Cloud-based Altium Designer for Linux or Mac OS X PCB design software to give you the design tools that you need.

You need to create a design for a printed circuit board, but you are having difficulty in finding schematic capture and PCB layout software that will give you the results you need on your Linux system. There’s great news for you though, here at Altium we’ve got what you need. It’s a cloud-based free Linux PCB design software called Upverter that you can run from your Altium Designer Linux workstation or any computer system, and that will give you the results that you need. Before you start though, let’s take a quick look at what you can expect from your Linux PCB design software, what you will need in order to get your manufacturer to build and assemble your circuit board, and then how Upverter can help you.

What You Can Expect from Your PCB Design Software for Linux

You should expect several things from your PCB design software for Linux. It should allow you to access your library parts whether you build them yourself or pull them in from another source. They should have a schematic capture editor that is both simples to use, and at the same time allows you to work on your most challenging designs. Your computer-aided design system should also provide you with a powerful software package for interface; from creating the PCB stack-up to placing the parts, to routing complex trace topologies. Your PCB schematic tools should be able to handle all of these tasks with precision and ease of use so that your work is a natural extension of your electronic design creativity and not a roadblock to it. Fortunately, Altium understands what you need, and has the best electronic design automation tools that you need to get your job done.

Upverter Has the Computer-Aided Design CAD Tools You Need to Get the Job Done Right.

With over 30 years of experience with CAD software and one of the world’s largest bases of users, we know what you need in your PCB design tools. Upverter is a feature-full PCB design software for Linux and offers all functionalities a PCB designer would desire.

Unparalleled Schematic Capture

Easily design schematics of any complexity.

Image of a PCB on a schematic in Linux PCB layout software

Upverter gives you both schematic capture and PCB layout tools in its Linux electronic CAD package

What You Need to Get Your PCB Design Into Manufacturing

Having the right schematic capture and PCB layout tools to get your design finished is important. It is also equally important though to be able to create the precise PCB files that your manufacturer will need to build the board. Once again, Altium understands what you need in order to get your printed circuit board design into manufacturing. Whether for PCB prototype components or for full production runs, you need to be able to create the best quality output files possible. These will include PCB fabrication and PCB assembly drawings as well as bill of materials files, pick and place files, and many others.

The Best PCB Design and Simulation Tools Take You All the Way Through Design and Into Manufacturing

To get your circuit board built correctly, you need to understand the different pieces of the manufacturing puzzle.

Where the World Designs Electronics

Break down silos and enhance collaboration across all aspects of electronics development

Image of parts and routing on an assembled PCB in Linux PCB layout software

Upverter will allow you to create fully designed PCBs

PCB Design Software for Linux

With most PCB CAD computer-aided design systems targeted at Windows-based platforms, you probably have had difficulty in finding design and simulation tools that you can use on your Altium Linux system. Here is where Altium can help you with Upverter, the world’s first fully cloud, fully collaborative electronics design system. With one of the largest online communities of hardware designers, Upverter will provide you and other team members with an interconnected and synchronized design environment allowing you to collaborate or remain completely independent as you work. You will have full control of Upverter's powerful features as the best Linux or Mac OS X PCB design software. Upverter gives you the tools you need for library part creation, schematic and PCB layout including 3D and MCAD integration, and for creating manufacturing files. As a PCB artist, you no longer have to worry about what kind of design system is available for the OS that you are running. Altium has the answer you’ve been looking for in Upverter.

Powerful Design and Simulation Tools in a Cross-Platform Environment

Take a look at how Upverter, as one of the best PCB design software for Linux, gives you the tools you need for PCB design from schematic to manufacturing.

MCAD CoDesigner

Seamless collaboration between your electrical and mechanical engineers.

Do you need to design a printed circuit board, but are having difficulty finding Linux electronic CAD software? Well, look no further, because Altium has a solution for you.

About Author

About Author

Zachariah Peterson has an extensive technical background in academia and industry. He currently provides research, design, and marketing services to companies in the electronics industry. Prior to working in the PCB industry, he taught at Portland State University and conducted research on random laser theory, materials, and stability. His background in scientific research spans topics in nanoparticle lasers, electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices, environmental sensors, and stochastics. His work has been published in over a dozen peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and he has written 2500+ technical articles on PCB design for a number of companies. He is a member of IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Electronics Packaging Society, American Physical Society, and the Printed Circuit Engineering Association (PCEA). He previously served as a voting member on the INCITS Quantum Computing Technical Advisory Committee working on technical standards for quantum electronics, and he currently serves on the IEEE P3186 Working Group focused on Port Interface Representing Photonic Signals Using SPICE-class Circuit Simulators.

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