Cell phones, GPU cards, medical devices, industrial equipment... the list of possible applications for high density interconnects is long. Electronics have become miniaturized in an effort to pack more functionality into smaller areas. Driven by the miniaturization of semiconductor packaging beginning in the 1990s, PCBs were quickly forced to follow suit, leading to the development of high density interconnect design and manufacturing techniques. DFM considerations in high density interconnect designs drive important aspects of the design and layout process, and implementing these points successfully helps ensure your design will pass quality requirements once the PCB is fabricated.
In this e-book, readers will receive a comprehensive look at the manufacturing process used to fabricate HDI layer stacks, PCBs, and microvia interconnects used to define layer transitions in the PCB stackup. The goal of this ebook is to provide design strategies that help PCB engineers develop highly reliable layer stacks and interconnects, including microvia structures. Covered topics include:
Click the PDF above to read the entire guidebook and to learn about HDI PCB design, beginning from high density interconnect stackup and floorplanning, and ending with DFM considerations for manufacturing, evaluation, quality, and acceptability. You can also read the original, full-length content here: